How successful have they been? The fact that you are looking at this page suggests that you may still be looking for the answers.
Wouldn’t it be great to be done with dieting FOREVER? Just be able to get on with life, eat food as required and not have those constant nagging thoughts like “I shouldn’t be eating this”, “I need to lose weight”, “I have no self-control”, “I better start watching what I eat on Monday”, “I’m disappointed that I can never shake off those last few kilos”.. and more..and worse!
Perhaps you have lots to lose, or perhaps just a few pesky kilograms. Perhaps you know just about all there is to know about nutrition, and yet you still can’t quite get yourself “there”. Or perhaps this whole nutrition thing seems complicated, too hard, out of reach and you feel like giving up.
Nourish to Flourish is our Nutrition Coaching Programme based heavily on the proven work of Precision Nutrition. It is suitable for all levels from beginners right through to intermediate and advanced level athletes.
Why have we opted to follow Precision Nutrition?
Because quite simply diets don’t work. Or they might work for a little while, but inevitably the weight comes back on when you stop dieting (or fall off the diet wagon for the hundredth time). Precision Nutrition works differently by addressing underlying habits and psychology surrounding food, as well as providing education about sensible, sound and scientifically based food choices. The program teaches you to tune in to your body and address the triggers that often lead us to make poor food choices and how to bounce back from setbacks. There is no quackery here. No grapefruit diets, no 7 day cleanses or avoiding eating red things.
Eat Paleo? No problem. Vegetarian – yep thats fine too. We don’t prescribe a particular way of eating, nor peddle a specific brand of supplements. The programme can encompass your preferred food choices and philosophies.
So how does it work?
The Nourish to Flourish programme runs for a full year. Yes – 12 months – a long time right? If you have had any experience with changing your eating habits in the past (or traditional dieting) you’ll know that often the first few weeks are ok and then thats when the trouble starts. You lose interest. You have a setback. You get sick of being on a diet.
Nourish to Flourish doesn’t promise that you won’t still come up against these things. But its different because it expects these things to happen. The programme is designed to be there for the long haul – for when you need it. Life gets in the way for almost everyone at some point. A 12 month programme allows us time to keep working through all of the issues as they arise and show you how to stay on track and how to make the changes stick long term.
Will I lose weight and have more energy?
Lets not beat around the bush here. Quite simply yes. But this programme isn’t just for those wanting to lose weight. Its also suitable for those wanting to maintain their weight and move away from the painstaking process of calorie counting and food restriction. So even if you are at your ideal weight already, Nourish to Flourish can help you keep it there – minimal effort required.
The Precision Nutrition programme on which Nourish to Flourish is based has been proven successful with over 45,000 people worldwide and it is the most sustainable, easy-to-begin whole food nutrition programme anywhere.
So whats included?
Once you signup for Nourish to Flourish you will receive:
Twelve (12) months of:
Nutrition coaching from our resident Precision Nutrition Certified Coaches to give you accountability, direction, and support every step of the way. They will help you stay consistent, no matter what life throws at you.
A nutrition plan that fits in to your life, taking account of your needs and goals
We’ll take your complex nutritional goals and break them down into small, strategic daily practices that add up to massive transformation. Through the program, you’ll gain the habits and tools you need to make your results last a lifetime.
Access to the Precision Nutrition coaching platform where you undertake your daily lessons, habits and record your progress. The platform is accessible from anywhere via your desktop computer or phone/tablet.
What about exercise?
To get results you need to exercise. The health benefits of exercise are well established and unless you have a particularly active lifestyle with lots of incidental activity that gets your heart rate up and builds strength, then you’ll need to embark on some form of formal fitness programme. For our current CrossFit members that are attending sessions at least 3 times per week you’ve got this covered and this is why Nourish to Flourish fits in so beautifully with our CrossFit programme. If you train elsewhere thats also ok and we can still help you (provided you are getting a minimum of 3-5 hours per week of exercise). If you’re not currently exercising, then you need to look at getting started with an exercise programme either at home or at the gym. We can of course help with that – it’s what we specialise in regardless of age, experience or fitness level.
What does it cost?
For non-members of our gym the cost is $99.99 per month or $999 for 12 months.
CrossFit Flourish members pay $79.99 per month or $799 for 12 months. (Special VIP discount is available for members that have previously completed the N2F programme).
You’ll get one-on-one personal nutrition coaching along with daily practices and lessons and most importantly results that will last a lifetime.
If you aren’t ready to signup for 12 months of coaching just yet, you can book ad-hoc 1 hour consultations with our Precision Nutrition Certified Nutrition coaches for $95 per session.
When Can I Start?
Chat to one of our trainers and let us work out the best plan and time to commence.