Strength & Conditioning
Our signature 60 minute class. CrossFit is fitness training at it’s very best. Workouts combine a variety of functional movements - everything from cardio and gymnastics to power lifting and olympic lifting. Every day brings something new. Our experienced coaches will teach you and help modify workouts according to your own skill and fitness level.
Broad Inclusive Fun
TEENS (ages 13-17): 60 minute class run in conjunction with our regular adult CrossFit class.
We also offer a Teens Development class
(by invite Only)
PRE-TEENS (ages 8-12): 45min class focusing on skill development and light loads.
KIDS (ages 6-8) No classes currently
For the Over 60's
45 minutes of CrossFit, tailored specifically for the needs of our more senior. This class can accommodate fire-breathers and the deconditioned alike. Classes run every Mon, Wed and Fri mornings at 10:15am.