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CrossFit LITE

CrossFit for EVERYONE. No experience necessary.


Have you wanted to try CrossFit but are feeling a little daunted (or perhaps you are short on time)? CrossFit Lite gives you the CrossFit experience rolled into a 30min fast paced, high quality class. Instructed by our industry leading coaches, CrossFit Lite will give you a workout like nothing you have experienced before... With no experience necessary! No lifting experience, no gym experience, and no need to learn all of the CrossFit terminology before starting.


What’s the difference between CF Lite and normal CrossFit classes?


CrossFit Lite does all of the CrossFit movements but limits the use of barbells and pull up rigs. We use dumbbells, bands, kettlebells and show you how to use your body the way it is supposed to move. This class is an ideal transition class into the 60min CrossFit classes where you will be further coached on the Olympic lifts and are given the chance to further develop your fitness through a very specific programme that incorporates strength, conditioning and nutrition coaching for optimal results.


How much does CF Lite cost?
  • $35 per week (direct debit fortnightly in advance), or

  • $129.95 for 10 session pass (valid for 3 months), or

  • $16.50 single session drop in


When are classes?
  • Mon – Fri: 8:30am-9am

  • Mon – Thur: 6:30pm-7pm

  • Sat: 7:45am – 8:15am


Midday classes to come in the future... watch this space!


Can I do normal CrossFit classes too?

Yep! Our Unlimited Membership gives you access to both Lite classes and regular CrossFit classes.


What if I am a member already?

If you are on an Unlimited plan, then Lite is already included for you. If you are currently on a session pass, you can buy a separate Lite session pass, or upgrade to Unlimited membership.


Do I have to transition to the 60min CrossFit classes?

Nope. Although we strongly encourage it. If the 30min format suits you then you can stay doing Lite forever.


Why should I do a 30 min session for that price?

We are, and have been, the industry leaders in the area since our arrival. When you train with us you  will receive the high level of coaching that can and will only be delivered by CrossFit Flourish coaches.

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